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The Reluctant Prom Date (The Reluctant Series Book 4) Page 2

After a few moments, I heard several locks sliding in the door and it slowly opened revealing a darkened room and a silhouette in the door frame.

  “I didn’t want anyone to see me.” Danny whispered from the open door.

  I folded my arms and took a quick look up and down the block. “There’s no one outside. It’s too cold to be hanging around out here. Come on Danny. You can’t go out on a date without being seen.” Danny looked pretty passable as a girl before, so I really wasn’t too worried about people pointing fingers at us and laughing.

  I heard a nervous giggle, “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but I’ve never left the house dressed before. I always find someplace to change after I leave.” Danny moved out from the door frame, shut the door and locked it, still in shadows. “I guess I’m ready,” Danny said with a sigh.

  Danny stepped out into the cold glare of the street light. My jaw almost dropped. I just stood there gaping at him. He had definitely been practicing. His makeup was perfect and his hoop earrings sparkled in the light. His wig was obviously expensive as it didn’t look like a wig at all as it hung slightly past his shoulders, perfectly framing his face. He wore a chocolate brown sweater dress with an unseasonably short skirt and matching pantyhose with high-heeled boots. He was flat-out gorgeous!

  He stood there smiling at me, turning left and right, striking poses, “Well, what do you think? Do you think I pass okay?”

  I just stood there for a moment, staring. I felt now I understood the confusion Jeff must have felt when he found he was attracted to guy in a dress. Finally I said, “You look great! I’m serious, you’re a knock-out. You don’t look anything like a boy.”

  Danny laughed and said, “I’m sorry, but you don’t look anything like a boy, either!” He… I guess I should refer to ‘her’ as ‘she’… laughed again and said, “I just wish I had your natural beauty. It took me hours to look like this!”

  I blushed and then asked, “I don’t look anything like a boy?” I was very glad to hear that, but somewhere deep in the back of my mind, I felt disappointed. I looked at my watch, “Well, I guess we’d better get going.”

  I tried to be the perfect gentleman and opened the car door for Dani. I took her hand to help her balance as she struggled to get into Mom’s Escort. Apparently, Dani’s never tried to enter a car in heels and a tight skirt before. As soon as she was seated, I closed the door and then walked around to the driver’s door and took my seat at the wheel.

  I looked over at her. Dani was positively glowing from the prospect of being on a date as a girl. She looked over at me and asked, “Well, where are we going?”

  I shrugged and said, “I thought we’d grab something to eat, and then go to a movie. You know, standard date stuff. I just don’t think we should do it in this town, if you know what I mean.”

  Dani furrowed her little brow in thought, and then said, “There’s a good movie playing in Sanderson I think. And they have a great restaurant there!”

  Oh, no. There’s no way I was going to try to do the date thing in Sanderson. I know the odds were against running into my favorite street gang again, but I really didn’t want to take the chance. “I don’t think that’s far enough away. Cisco is only fifteen minutes further down the road, and it’s bigger than Sanderson. There should be more to choose from.”

  I could tell she was about to make a protest. She hesitated a moment, then said, “Ok, that’s fine. You’re the guy. I guess you get to choose.”

  I laughed, “Dani, it’s okay to discuss where to go. Being a girl doesn’t mean you have to be a limp dish rag. I just think in this case, Sanderson is too close. You don’t want to get recognized do you?”

  She smiled weakly, “No, I guess not. Cisco is fine.”

  Welcome to girlhood, I thought. I understood how she felt, having your heart set on one place and your boyfriend telling you ‘no, we’re going where I want to go’. It makes you feel small and frustrated because you’re afraid if you push it, it’ll start a fight and he won’t want to take you out again, yadda, yadda, yadda.

  I smiled at her and said, “Great, it’s settled. Cisco here we come!” I fired up the engine and with a lurch, we started down the street.

  Neither of us broke the silence as we drove across town. As I turned the car onto the highway that would take us to Cisco, I said, “You really do look great tonight. Be careful if you ever decide to go out by yourself looking like that. You’ll have to beat the boys off with a stick!”

  She giggled, “What if I don’t want to chase them away?”

  I looked over at her, looking surprised. “Huh? I thought you said you had no interest in guys.”

  “I don’t. But…,” her voice trailed away as she looked thoughtful, “when I’m dressed, it’s different. I… well, I have daydreams when I’m dressed of being picked up for a date by my handsome boyfriend. Kind of like tonight, only we go to a fine restaurant and then dancing. You know… all that romantic stuff. I feel all girly when I think about that.”

  She stopped a moment, and then before I could comment, she continued, “I never told anyone this. Please don’t repeat it. I get into chat rooms on the computer when I’m dressed or just feeling girly and either pretend I’m a girl, or I go to some transgendered chat room to find private chats with guys. I’m not gay and I’m really not interested in boys as a boy. But there’s something about feeling girly inside that makes me want flirt and talk to boys. It’s what girls do, right? It’s safe, because no one knows who I really am. But…” Her voice trailed away again.

  “But what?” I prompted. At first, I thought what she just admitted was just plain weird. Then I immediately chastised myself. How can I think that’s weird when I’m totally in love with a boy myself?

  She didn’t answer right away. Finally, she said, “There are a couple of guys I talk to on a regular basis. I even talked to one over the phone. I know they’re just trying to jerk off, but the things they say… God! It makes me feel so feminine -- so girly inside. I just want to burst!” She fell silent again. After a moment she said, “You probably think I’m weird now, don’t you?”

  I shook my head in the dark and said, “Oh no, of course not! The thought never crossed my mind. Like I’ve said to you before, I just don’t understand why a boy would want to dress like a girl.” And, despite the fact that I’m living as a girl, I’m a cheerleader and I have a boyfriend, I really didn’t understand. I mean, sure, I enjoy being a girl now, but dressing as one in the first place was never my idea. I’m sure at some point I’m going to need therapy…

  Dani sighed, “I can’t explain it. I don’t know why I suddenly have an urge to dress and why I desire to feel so girly. I just know that no matter how much I try to stop, eventually I can’t resist it any longer. I wish I was either a normal boy or a normal girl, because being both drives you crazy.”

  I decided this was probably a bad conversation to be having with my date for the night. Dani was starting to look uncomfortable and depressed and I while I was curious about why she felt the way she did, it was probably better to pursue those questions some other time. I wanted to tell her about myself, but decided that that was unwise. There were already too many people in on my secret as it was.

  The rest of the drive to Cisco was uneventful -- not even encountering that much traffic. Our conversation was sparse as well. Dani spent most of the drive lost in thought. She perked up some when the highway turned into Cisco’s main drag.

  As we drove down the brightly lit street I asked, “Well, where do you want to go eat? We have Taco Bell, Carl’s Jr., Burger Mania, Burger King…”

  “I want a real restaurant. With real food and real waiters,” she protested.

  “Sure thing,” I said. “Let’s see what we can find. I don’t think Cisco has anything like Gladstone’s though.”

  Another couple of minutes and we’d soon be on the highway leaving Cisco. Then, I saw a building on the left side of the street with lots of cars parked in front of it with the words “B
ig John’s Steakhouse” emblazoned across the front.

  “I think that’s the best this town has to offer,” I said flatly.

  “That’ll work, as long as it isn’t fast food.” Dani said. Something told me that if Dani was a real girl, she’d be an expensive one to date.

  “Big John’s it is!” I said as I turned the ageing Escort into the parking lot. Most of the spaces were filled. I didn’t think this many people even lived in Cisco.

  We finally parked and I ran around the car to open Dani’s door and offered my hand to help her out. She took my hand again as we walked through the parking lot to the entrance. She was squeezing it pretty tight.

  I looked over at her before opening the door and needlessly asked, “Are you nervous?”

  “Oh, yeah!”

  “I can understand. But you’re gorgeous. You’ll be fine,” I said trying to encourage her. She smiled nervously back at me.

  We walked up to the sign that read, “Please wait to be seated.” After a moment, a pretty girl, probably a high schooler like us, walked up to us with a couple of menus in her hand.

  “Two?” was all she said. I nodded and she led us through a maze of tables to an empty booth. I couldn’t help but notice that most of the guys in the place, even though they were with their wives/girlfriends managed a glance in our direction. Their glances were landing right on Dani. The girl taking us to our table put the menus on the table and as she started to leave said, “Enjoy your meal.” She gave us an odd look as she walked away.

  After a few minutes, another walks up holding a pad and pen. “Well ladies, what can we do for you tonight?”

  Oh puh-leeze! Politely I said, desperately trying to bring up my old voice, “I’m not a lady.” I gave her a small smile.

  Looking embarrassed, the waitress said, “I’m terribly sorry sir!”

  With a wave I dismissed her apology, “It’s ok. I get that a lot.” Actually, it pisses me off that I can’t seem to pass as a guy anymore!

  Without further comment, the waitress took our order and disappeared into the kitchen. Dani had ordered a Teriyaki Chicken. I, since I wasn’t paying for it, ordered a big, juicy sirloin steak.

  Dani reached across the table and took my hand. It seemed odd to see my hand holding a hand with nail polish rather than the other way around. Dani said, “Thank you so much for doing this!”

  I smiled and said, “You’re very welcome. You make a very pretty girl, Dani. I’m serious. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but just about every guy here keeps looking at you.”

  She took a quick glance around the room and saw some heads quickly turn away. Dani’s face started to turn red. “I’m so embarrassed!”

  I laughed and said, “Don’t be. I’d be more worried if they didn’t notice you.” And deep down I was really annoyed that Dani was getting the attention and not me.

  * * *

  The meal had been quite good and Dani soon lost her nervousness and became chatty and quite effervescent, really. I actually found myself forgetting she was a guy. And I never saw Danny smile the way Dani was smiling tonight.

  After leaving the restaurant, we got back into the car and started driving around looking for the movie theater. It wasn’t that hard to find. It was the newest building in Cisco.

  I found a parking space at the theater; the only movie theater in Cisco. At least it was four screens. I was looking at the marquee trying to figure out what movie to see. I was trying to be in charge of the date since I was being the guy tonight.

  The movie pickin’s were slim, but there was a new romantic comedy that was getting good reviews and starred yet another new British actor, who I must say, was quite cute. It was a perfect date movie.

  After entering the theater, I started to head for the snack bar. Dani whispered into my ear, “I gotta go to the head… I mean the little girl’s room.”

  Nodding, I said, “Yeah, me too.”

  We both grabbed the handle to each bathroom door when the ticket taker guy called out, “Excuse me, folks! You might want to look at the sign on the door!”

  I looked, and I was about to enter the women’s and Dani was already in the men’s restroom. She hurried back out, face red. To me she whispered, “Sorry. Habit.”

  I nodded and held the door open for her. I then entered the men’s room and prayed Cisco didn’t have any movie going thugs like Sanderson.

  * * *

  The movie was better than I thought it would be. If Dani had been a real girl, the movie was definitely having the desired effect on her as she was snuggling against my shoulder. I had my arm around her.

  The movie was past the midway point when I felt Dani’s stare boring into the side of my face. I looked over at her and she smiled. Her expression was one I recognized immediately. It was the same one I give Jeff when we go to the movies and it was the same one I got from Mandy when I took her to the movies. There was no mistaking that ‘I want to be kissed’ look.

  I hesitated a moment, thinking about who we both were and the fact that I have a boyfriend. Then, I thought about how my boyfriend was in another state with some floozy named Lana. I slowly bent my head down and a moment later, our lips met.

  It felt odd kissing with someone else wearing lipstick. The kiss lasted a few moments before I pulled away. I stared into Dani’s eyes; eyes that were so inviting. She parted her lips slightly, ready for another kiss. I kissed her again, this time harder and longer. Our tongues touched and we kissed long and deep. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on me while we kissed. Here I was, a boy pretending to be a girl, who was pretending to be a boy, kissing a boy pretending to be a girl. The hard cold fact that we were two boys kissing each other didn’t bother me. I’d long since gotten past that when kissing Jeff.

  When we finally pulled away, Dani’s eyes were bright and her smile almost magical. I felt her shudder as she snuggled closer to me. She let out a long sigh.

  * * *

  I pulled the rusting Escort up to the curb in front of Dani’s house. There was an awkward silence for a few moments. Finally, I said, “Dani, I had a really great time tonight!”

  Dani looked down at her feet and said, “Thanks! I had a good time too. Maybe we could do this again some time?”

  “I’d like that.” I said. “Although, we could only do this because Jeff was out of town. It also begged the question, was I cheating on Jeff by going out with another boy, even though he was being a girl? That gnawing at the back of my brain suggested it probably was.

  Dani put her hand on the door handle, paused and said, “Well, thanks so much for the wonderful evening! You really helped make me feel at ease going out as a girl.”

  There was another uncomfortable pause, and then I thought, oh what the hell! I bent over and gave her a long goodnight kiss. She took another look at her feet, paused, gave me a small smile, then opened the door and left the car. I sat there and watched her disappear into her house.

  * * *

  As I drove home, I couldn’t help but compare and contrast my date with Dani and my date with Mandy. I had to admit, there isn’t much of a comparison. While being cute as a girl, Dani just doesn’t come close to Mandy. But I also came to understand Jeff’s dilemma better. While I knew deep down she was a guy, I couldn’t help but find her attractive and fun to be with. I was starting to get a headache.

  In just a couple of weeks, I’d gone out with a real girl and a fake one. The big question is, does that count as being unfaithful to Jeff? Both times I was being the real me, who Jeff would not want to go out with and I’d gone out with girls… sort of. As I pulled into the driveway, I had come to the conclusion that even given the circumstances I’d been unfaithful to Jeff.

  Then the image of Jeff walking hand-in-hand with some chick named Lana popped into my head. Well, what’s good for the gander is good for the goose…

  * * *

  Chapter 3

  “I can’t believe you actually did that!” exclaimed Diane as she stood behind me, bra
iding my hair.

  I shrugged, “What’s the big deal?”

  “You went out on a date with a boy who was dressed as a girl, that’s what.” Diane put the finishing touches to my braids, “There’s just something wrong with that.”

  I ran my hand down my hair. “You mean a boy being dressed as a girl or the going out on a date with him?”

  “Yes!” said Diane, arms folded.

  I stood to check my hair out in the mirror. “What do you think I am? Am I just a boy dressed a girl?”

  Diane fussed over my hair a little more. “You’re different. You weren’t trying to be a girl. You just… uh… well, evolved.”

  “You make it sound like I crawled out of the swamp. My hair looks great though, thanks!” I turned to face Diane. “Danny’s a very nice guy. He makes a pretty decent girl too. I don’t know why you think it’s so strange. You were friends with a transsexual.”

  “True. And I have one for a brother.” Diane sat in the chair, fluffed out her hair and said, “Okay, now braid my hair.”

  I stared at Diane a moment. “I’m not a transsexual. And I don’t know how to braid hair.”

  Diane gave me a wry smile. “Don’t be so sure, little sister. And, how can you be seventeen years old and not know how to braid hair?”

  Frowning, I said, “I’ve only been a girl for three months. I haven’t had years to learn about hair, make-up and clothes.”

  Standing back up, Diane said, “Well, you’re certainly catching up fast!” Her hand fidgeted over a piece of paper on the top of my dresser. She looked at it curiously, and picked it up. “What’s this?”

  “Oh, that’s just a release form for Mom or Dad to sign to let me be in a store’s prom fashion show,” I said flatly. I don’t think I’ll be doing any modeling.”

  Diane studied the form for a moment, “Hey, did you see this? After the fashion show, people get to vote on who they thought was the best model. The winner gets a free prom dress!”